Yvonne McGuinness, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Yvonne McGuinness

Irish artist

Date of Birth: 12-Oct-1972

Place of Birth: Kilkenny, Leinster, Ireland

Profession: curator

Nationality: Ireland

Zodiac Sign: Libra

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About Yvonne McGuinness

  • Yvonne McGuinness (born 12 October 1972) is an Irish visual artist who works in a variety of contexts, including video installation and print.
  • Born in Kilkenny, Ireland and now based in Monkstown, County Dublin, her works have been shown in Ireland and the UK, and she holds an MA from the Royal College of Art in London.A 2004 biography stated, "Recent works have been preoccupied with notions of portrayal of the self and with deception, dealing with the sublimated desire for self-expression of the artist and the tension between revelation and concealment." She has made several short films, This is between us (2011), Charlie's Place (2012) and Procession (2012).

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