David T. Hardy, Date of Birth


David T. Hardy

American lawyer

Date of Birth: 25-Feb-1951

Profession: lawyer, cinematographer

Nationality: United States

Zodiac Sign: Pisces

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About David T. Hardy

  • David T.
  • Hardy (born February 25, 1951), is an American private attorney and has practiced law since 1975.
  • A graduate of the University of Arizona Law School, he previously served as an attorney with the U.S.
  • Department of the Interior in Washington, D.C., for ten years and now lives in Tucson, Arizona, where he practices law. He is an ardent defender of the Second Amendment, as well as of the First Amendment, is a widely published author, primarily on Second Amendment issues, and a critic of the filmmaker Michael Moore.
  • Hardy authored the website Michael Moore Exposed [1] and co-wrote The New York Times bestselling book, Michael Moore Is a Big Fat Stupid White Man. Hardy has also written numerous legal journal articles and books, on Second and Fourteenth Amendment issues as well as on the origins of gun control in America.
  • His writings have figured prominently in numerous court cases, being commonly cited in amicus briefs and directly in the majority opinion and Clarence Thomas's concurrence in McDonald v.
  • Chicago.
  • He also writes on these same topics for online media.
  • Hardy runs a webpage titled ‘Of Arms and the Law'.
  • The site includes a self-biography, an archive of some of his writings, law review articles, links to recommend pro Second Amendment webpages, and a link to Second Amendment blogs.
  • There is also The Home Page of David T.
  • Hardy which includes more of his archives and links to related pages.
  • Hardy's scholarly papers, including topics including the Fourteenth Amendment, The Bill of Rights, and Originalism as it applies to the Second Amendment can be found on the Social Science Resource Network.
  • He has also been cited in several court cases such as District of Columbia v.
  • Heller, 128 S.
  • Ct.
  • 2783 – Supreme Court 2008 and Hardy v.
  • Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco & Firearms 631 F.
  • 2d 653 - Court of Appeals, 9th Circuit, 1980.

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