Denis Greenhill, Baron Greenhill of Harrow, Date of Birth, Date of Death


Denis Greenhill, Baron Greenhill of Harrow

British engineer, civil servant, diplomat and politician (1913-2000)

Date of Birth: 07-Nov-1913

Date of Death: 08-Nov-2000

Profession: engineer, politician, diplomat, civil servant, civil engineer

Nationality: United Kingdom

Zodiac Sign: Scorpio

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About Denis Greenhill, Baron Greenhill of Harrow

  • Denis Arthur Greenhill, Baron Greenhill of Harrow (1913–2000) was the British Permanent Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs and Head of the Diplomatic Service from 1969 to 1973; a respected expert on the US, Europe and the Soviet Union, he was actively involved in setting postwar Britain's role in the world in a new direction, away from its imperial past and a compliant involvement with the United States towards a more active engagement in Europe.
  • He served under three prime ministers, Harold Wilson, Sir Alec Douglas-Home and Edward Heath.

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