"Denny" Wolff (born September 9, 1951) is an American farmer, non-profit founder, and former public official who was the 2018 Democratic nominee for U.S.
Congress in Pennsylvania's (new) 9th Congressional District.
Wolff is a former Secretary of the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture, where he served in the cabinet of Governor Edward G.
Rendell.On October 12, 2017, Wolff, a Columbia County dairy farmer, announced his candidacy for Congress.
After the Pennsylvania Supreme Court struck down the congressional map put in place in 2011, the Court crafted a new map to eliminate the gerrymandering of the previous version, and Columbia County was placed in the new 9th congressional district.Wolff is also the founder and president of The Nicholas Wolff Foundation, a non-profit which operates as Camp Victory.
Camp Victory is a summer camp for chronically ill children and their families.