Dhan Singh Rawat (Born on October 7, 1972) is a Member of Legislative assembly of Uttarakhand.
He represents the Constituency of Srinagar Garhwal, and is a member of Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).
Dr Dhan singh rawat was Born in 1972 on 7 October in small hamlet of Uttrakhand, Pauri Garhwal, Paithani (Naugoan).
He has been imbibed with good leadership qualities from his childhood being an active member of RSS (Rashtriya Swayamseva Sangh).
He takes his basic education from his village School, and higher education from Hemvanti Nandan Bahuguna (HNBGU) and holds a PHD degree.
Finally he joined ABVP in 1989 as Student leader.
He joined BJP in 2001 as a simple worker, with his hard work in the party he soon got promoted as Sangathan mantri.
Current as of June, 2018, he is a cabinet minister in Uttarakhand government.
Notable writings:
Pad yatra, Panchayati-RaJ , Panch- bdri ,Panch- kedar, Panch -prayag..
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