Dieter Gruen, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Dieter Gruen

American chemist

Date of Birth: 21-Nov-1922

Place of Birth: Germany

Profession: engineer, chemist

Nationality: United States

Zodiac Sign: Scorpio

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About Dieter Gruen

  • Dieter Martin Gruen (born November 21, 1922) is a German-born American scientist, who was a senior member of the Materials Science Division at Argonne National Laboratory.
  • He received B.S.
  • (1944, cum laude) and M.S.
  • (1947) degrees in chemistry from Northwestern University and the Ph.D.
  • (1951) in chemical physics from the University of Chicago. Gruen made contributions in a broad range of topics in the chemistry of materials: the definitive establishment of the 5f character of the actinides by the measurement and ligand field interpretation of magnetic moments at low temperatures; the creation of a solution chemistry in fused salts using spectroscopy to determine oxidation states, complex ions, and coordination equilibria of transition metal ions; the elucidation of the interactions of reactive molecular and atomic species with noble gas matrixes; the rational design of metal alloy hydrides for energy storage and heat pump applications; the determination of the energetics and depth of origin of sputtered species; ultrasensitive detection of atoms and molecules using laser Fluorescence and resonance ionization mass spectrometry; the discovery and development of a new chemical vapor deposition process for the synthesis of phase-pure nano-crystalline diamond films and the development of graphene-based photo voltaic cells. The following provides more detail on his lifetime of work as a scientist in chemistry, materials science and energy science.

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