Dimitar Andonovski, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Dimitar Andonovski

Macedonian singer

Date of Birth: 06-Sep-1985

Place of Birth: Bitola, Bitola Municipality, North Macedonia

Profession: singer

Nationality: North Macedonia

Zodiac Sign: Virgo

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About Dimitar Andonovski

  • Dimitar Andonovski (Macedonian: ??????? ??????????, born September 6, 1985 in Bitola, SR Macedonia, SFR Yugoslavia) is a Macedonian singer. Dimitar Andonovski was a student for the Center for Music Education in his native home town of Bitola, Republic of Macedonia.
  • He is not known only for being such a good singer, but he is also a good violinist.
  • His first singing experience was in 1994 when he participated on children festival Si-Do in Bitola, and immediately after that, he appeared on Macedonian Television. He rose to fame in 2003 when he was one of the candidates on M2 Play Search, organised in December 2003.
  • He was not in the top four, so did not take part in the new group '4play'.
  • He was one of the three backing vocalists of Tijana Dapcevic in the Eurovision Song Contest 2014.

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