Don Brown (voice actor), Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Don Brown (voice actor)

Canadian actor

Date of Birth: 30-Jun-1984

Place of Birth: Canada

Profession: voice actor, television actor

Nationality: Canada

Zodiac Sign: Cancer

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About Don Brown (voice actor)

  • Donald Brown (born June 30, 1964), also known as Tony Valdez, is a Canadian voice actor and a comedian who works for Ocean Productions and Blue Water Studios.
  • An expert in comedic and villainous roles, Don is best known as the voice of Jaken and Inu no Taisho from the critically acclaimed InuYasha series, Siegel Clyne from Gundam SEED, Balgus from the original Escaflowne dub and Chief Otsuka from Tetsujin 28th and Tom Cat for speaking.

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