Fumiko Hayashi (? ??, Hayashi Fumiko, born May 5, 1946, in Tokyo), is a Japanese politician and the incumbent mayor of Yokohama, the capital of Kanagawa Prefecture in Japan.
She is the first female mayor of the city.
Her previous roles have included president of BMW Tokyo, president of Tokyo Nissan Auto Sales, and chairperson and CEO of the Japanese supermarket chain Daiei.
On taking the chief executive role at Daiei, all of whose executives are men, Hayashi told the Nikkei Weekly: "I thought I would be able to create an example of a success in male-female collaboration."In 2006, Forbes named her the 39th most powerful woman in the world, the highest rank for a Japanese woman.
She was elected as mayor of Yokohama in 2009 following the sudden resignation of the former mayor, Hiroshi Nakada.
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