Douglas G. Bergeron, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Douglas G. Bergeron

American businessman

Date of Birth: 05-Dec-1960

Place of Birth: Windsor, Ontario, Canada

Profession: businessperson

Nationality: United States

Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius

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About Douglas G. Bergeron

  • Doug Bergeron is the founder and sole shareholder of DGB Investments, a diversified holding company of technology investments.
  • As of February 2018, DGB had seven active investments.
  • Bergeron serves as chairman of the board of Opus, United Language Group, and Nyotron and a member of the board of directors of Sungevity, Pipeworks Studios and Renters Warehouse.
  • Bergeron serves as an investor and advisor to Blend, Inc.In 2001, Bergeron led the acquisition of VeriFone from Hewlett-Packard in a transaction valued at $50M and became its chairman and CEO.
  • In 2002, Bergeron partnered with GTCR, a Chicago-based private equity firm, and embarked upon a strategy to aggressively grow VeriFone into a multinational company.
  • As of May 2012, VeriFone’s enterprise value was approximately $5 billion, a 100 times increase.

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