Doug Bergeron is the founder and sole shareholder of DGB Investments, a diversified holding company of technology investments.
As of February 2018, DGB had seven active investments.
Bergeron serves as chairman of the board of Opus, United Language Group, and Nyotron and a member of the board of directors of Sungevity, Pipeworks Studios and Renters Warehouse.
Bergeron serves as an investor and advisor to Blend, Inc.In 2001, Bergeron led the acquisition of VeriFone from Hewlett-Packard in a transaction valued at $50M and became its chairman and CEO.
In 2002, Bergeron partnered with GTCR, a Chicago-based private equity firm, and embarked upon a strategy to aggressively grow VeriFone into a multinational company.
As of May 2012, VeriFone’s enterprise value was approximately $5 billion, a 100 times increase.