Edward Arthur Burdick (December 26, 1921 – March 9, 2011) was a nonpartisan former chief clerk and parliamentarian of the Minnesota House of Representatives and the past national president of the American Society of Legislative Clerks and Secretaries (ASLCS).Burdick served the citizens of the State of Minnesota more than 60 years until his “final” retirement from the legislature in 2005.
According to Minnesota Public Radio and the Board of Commissioners of Blue Earth County in Minnesota, Burdick introduced 80,953 bills and 23,268 were signed into law by the Governor.
Former Governor Tim Pawlenty characterized Burdick as "a Minnesota icon and a Minnesota institution" for his legendary service to the nation.
Burdick was nationally known as the “Dean” of parliamentary procedures and legislative affairs.
To recognize and honor his public service, the Minnesota Legislature erected a bronze bust of Burdick in the State Capitol at his “first” retirement in 1994.