Edward Yau Tang-wah, GBS, JP (Chinese: ???; born 28 April 1960, Hong Kong) is the current Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development of Hong Kong.
He was the former Secretary for the Environment from 2007 to 2012.
From 2012 to 2017, he was the Director of the Chief Executive's Office of Hong Kong, and his responsibilities were to assist the Chief Executive in formulating policies and setting policy goals and priorities; and to maintain close contacts with Executive and Legislative Councillors, political parties as well as the public sector to enlist their support for Government work.
Before taking up the Director of the Chief Executive’s Office post, Yau was the Secretary for the Environment from 2007-2012.
His responsibilities covered environmental protection, energy, and sustainable development.
Nature conservation was also one of his main tasks and with his efforts, he established the Hong Kong Geopark which showcases the unique geological features in northeast Hong Kong.
The Park obtained the Global Geopark status in 2011.
Yau joined the Administrative Service in 1981 and earned more than 20 years of public administration experience.
During his years as a civil servant, he was Deputy Director-General of Trade (later renamed Deputy Director-General of Trade and Industry), Director-General of the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in Washington, and Deputy Secretary for Education and Manpower, and Director of Information Services.