Elizabeth Falconer, Date of Birth


Elizabeth Falconer

American musician

Date of Birth: 20-Jul-1956

Profession: musician

Nationality: United States

Zodiac Sign: Cancer

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About Elizabeth Falconer

  • Elizabeth Falconer (born July 20, 1956) is one of the few American masters of the koto, a traditional zither from Japan.
  • Unusually, she is licensed in two koto schools in Japan.
  • She began playing the koto in 1979.
  • She earned a junshihan (associate degree) from the Seiha Koto School, studying under Nagane Utayumi.
  • This school focused on classical works.
  • She later moved to Tokyo and studied under the esteemed Sawai Kazue and Sawai Tadao at the Sawai Koto School, and earned a Shihan (master's license) at the Sawai Koto School, which focuses on contemporary works.
  • She is an admirer of the work of Sawai Kazue. Falconer holds a BA in Japanese Studies from the University of Oregon, an MA in Japanese Pedagogy, and a PhD in International Education, writing her dissertation on koto teaching methods in Japan.
  • Her works for koto are published in Japan.
  • She has earned numerous awards for her work combining Japanese folktales with original koto music and has produced over 10 albums on her label, Koto World.

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