Elmer Gertz, Date of Birth, Date of Death


Elmer Gertz

American lawyer

Date of Birth: 14-Sep-1906

Date of Death: 27-Apr-2000

Profession: lawyer, literary agent

Nationality: United States

Zodiac Sign: Virgo

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About Elmer Gertz

  • Elmer Gertz (September 14, 1906 – April 27, 2000) was an American lawyer, writer, law professor, and civil rights activist.
  • During his lengthy legal career he won some high-profile cases, most notably parole for notorious killer Nathan Leopold and the obscenity trial of Henry Miller's novel Tropic of Cancer, a book published in France but banned in the United States because of its "candid sexuality" in describing the author's life in Paris.
  • In addition to accounts of his cases and career, he also reviewed books and edited a collection of works by Frank Harris, whom he represented as literary agent for a while.He is best remembered in the legal world, however, for a case in which he was not an advocate but a plaintiff: Gertz v.
  • Robert Welch, Inc., a libel action he brought against the John Birch Society in 1969 after it accused him of being part of a Communist conspiracy to discredit local police departments.
  • He prevailed, but only after a 14-year battle that saw the case go before the Supreme Court, which ruled that as a private figure Gertz did not have to prove actual malice on the defendants' part.
  • When the case finally went to trial, the jury found in favor of Elmer Gertz and awarded him compensatory damages of $100,000 and punitive damages of $300,000.
  • The award was upheld on appeal.

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