Pak To-chun, Date of Birth


Pak To-chun

North Korean politician

Date of Birth: 09-Mar-1944

Profession: politician

Nationality: North Korea

Zodiac Sign: Pisces

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About Pak To-chun

  • General Pak To-chun (Korean: ???; born 9 March 1944) is a politician of North Korea. According to his official biography, Pak was born in Jagang Province in 1944 and joined the Korean People's Army in 1960 (becoming a general in 2012).
  • He later graduated from the exclusive Kim Il-sung Higher Party School and worked in a number of party posts in factories and mines.
  • He was first elected to the Supreme People's Assembly in 1998.
  • He accessed to leading provincial posts in the late 1990s, becoming chief secretary of the Jagang Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK) in 2005.
  • He oversaw the modernization of the province's arms-production facilities and the building of the Huichon Power Station, highlighted as models for "the building of a thriving nation."In September 2010 he was made WPK Central Committee member at the 3rd Party Conference, and jumped to the leadership core as Politburo alternate and secretary for military affairs.
  • He was also elected to the National Defence Commission (NDC) in April 2011 and promoted to Politburo full member in April 2012, largely replacing Jon Pyong-ho as North Korea's military industry manager.
  • In that capacity, Pak supervised the Kwangmyongsong-3 and Kwangmyongsong-3 Unit 2 launches in 2012, as well as a controversial nuclear test in February 2013.Pak was demoted from member of the NDC in April 2015.
  • Hong Sung-mu, deputy director of the party's Machine Building Industry Department, is considered Pak's number two man.

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