Emadeddin Baghi (born 25 April 1962) is an Iranian human rights activist, prisoners' rights advocate, investigative journalist, theologian and writer.
He is the founder and head of the Committee for the Defense of Prisoners' Rights and the Society of Right to Life Guardians in Iran, and the author of twenty books, six of which have been banned in Iran.
Baghi was imprisoned in connection with his writings on the Chain Murders of Iran, which occurred in Autumn 1998, and imprisoned again in late 2007 for another year on charges of "acting against national security." According to his family and lawyers, Baghi has been summoned to court 23 times since his release in 2003.
He has also had his passport confiscated, his newspaper closed, and suspended prison sentences passed against his wife and daughter.
Baghi was rearrested on 28 December 2009 on charges related to an interview with Grand Ayatollah Hussein-Ali Montazeri.
Baghi was released and then again rearrested on 5 December 2010.