Emilio Tomas González is the City Manager and Chief Administrative Officer of the City of Miami.
He was appointed by Mayor Francis X.
Suarez in December 2017 and ratified by the Miami City Commission in January 2018.
Prior to that he served as Aviation Director and CEO of Miami International Airport and the Miami Dade County Aviation Department from April 2013 to December 2017.
Gonzalez previously held private sector executive positions and served as Director of the US Citizenship and Immigration Services.
(USCIS), an Under Secretary position within the Department of Homeland Security.
Appointed by President Bush and confirmed by the United States Senate in December 2005, he led an organization of more than 17,000 federal and contract employees responsible for the accurate, efficient and secure processing of immigration benefits.
Gonzalez announced his resignation on March 13, 2008, and it became effective on April 18.