Jairo (singer), Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Jairo (singer)

Argentinian singer

Date of Birth: 16-Jun-1949

Place of Birth: Cruz del Eje, Córdoba Province, Argentina

Profession: singer, songwriter

Nationality: Argentina

Zodiac Sign: Gemini

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About Jairo (singer)

  • Jairo, pseudonym of Mario Rubén González Pierotti (born June 16, 1949) is an Argentine singer-songwriter and composer.
  • Throughout his career, he has performed more than 500 songs in Castilian, French, Spanish and Italian.Among its most widespread songs they are: «Tu alma golondrina», «Por si tú quieres saber», «Tristezas», «De pronto sucedió», «El valle y el volcán», «Si vuelves será cansancio», «Amigos míos me enamoré», «Hoy dejó la ciudad», «Nos verán llegar», «Revólver» and «Me encanta esta hora del día».

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