Erlend Skomsvoll, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Erlend Skomsvoll

Jazz pianist

Date of Birth: 12-May-1969

Place of Birth: Bærum, Akershus, Norway

Profession: composer, pianist, jazz musician

Nationality: Norway

Zodiac Sign: Taurus

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About Erlend Skomsvoll

  • Erlend Fredrik Skomsvoll (born 12 May 1969) is a Norwegian jazz musician (piano, keyboards, accordion, and tuba), band leader, composer and arranger, known from his own band Skomsork and the band Wibutee with Live Maria Roggen, Madrugada, and Kaizers Orchestra.
  • He has also cooperated with Nils Petter Molvær, Chick Corea and Pat Metheny.

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