Maude Victoria Barlow (born May 24, 1947) is a Canadian author and activist.
She is the Honorary Chairperson of the Council of Canadians, a citizens' advocacy organization with members and chapters across Canada.
She is also the co-founder of the Blue Planet Project, which works internationally for the human right to water.
Maude chairs the board of Washington-based Food & Water Watch, is a founding member of the San Francisco–based International Forum on Globalization, and a Councillor with the Hamburg-based World Future Council.
In 2008/2009, she served as Senior Advisor on Water to the 63rd President of the United Nations General Assembly and was a leader in the campaign to have water recognized as a human right by the UN.
She has authored and co-authored 19 books, including her latest, Boiling Point: Government Neglect, Corporate Abuse, and Canada's Water Crisis; and Whose Water is it Anyway? Taking water protection into public hands.