Ernest Mosny, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Ernest Mosny

French physician

Date of Birth: 04-Jan-1861

Place of Birth: La Fère, Hauts-de-France, France

Date of Death: 25-Apr-1918

Profession: biologist

Nationality: France

Zodiac Sign: Capricorn

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About Ernest Mosny

  • Ernest Mosny (4 January 1861 – 25 April 1918) was a French physician and hygienist born in La Fère, Aisne.Mosny served as mĂ©decin des hopitaux in Paris, and was a member of the AcadĂ©mie de MĂ©decine and the Conseil supĂ©rieur d'hygiène. He is remembered for his work in the field of microbiology.
  • With JoaquĂ­n Albarrán (1860–1912) he performed a series of tests in an attempt to find an antidote to the colon bacillus.
  • Eventually the two scientists developed a vaccine that achieved a high degree of immunity in dogs and rabbits.
  • In 1912 with biologist Edouard Dujardin-Beaumetz (1868–1947), he studied the effects of bubonic plague in two Alpine marmots during hibernation.
  • Reportedly, the marmots were able to survive 61 and 115 days after being injected with the disease.In 1911 Mosny reported the first successful embolectomy, a direct arterial surgical procedure that was performed on the femoral artery.

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