Evangeline Anderson-Rajkumar is a feminist activist ecumenical theologian who taught at Serampore College, Serampore (1990-1994) the United Theological College, Bangalore, (1999-2014).
Evangeline Anderson Rajkumar was the first permanent woman faculty to serve as faculty in the Theology Department of the renowned Serampore College, founded by William Carey when he came to India in 1792.
She was the first Lutheran Woman to serve as first Vice President of the United Evangelical Lutheran Churches in India in 2006.
She comes from a family of theologians - about 17 of them, her father, all eight siblings, and seven of the eight who married into the family.
Evangeline Anderson-Rajkumar served as the President of the Association of Theologically Trained Women of India (ATTWI) and is a sought after resource person on Body Theology.