Ewald Stefan Pollok (born March 25, 1941 in Buchenhöh in Upper Silesia, Nazi Germany) doctor history, author of several books on the subject of Silesia.
He comes from the village of Zyrowa (renamed Buchenhöh in 1936-1945) in Poland located in the Opole Voivodeship of the region of Silesia.
Like some Silesians who sought German citizenship after 1990, he had chosen to work in the Federal Republic of Germany.
He presently resides in Mülheim an der Ruhr in North Rhine-Westphalia.
Pollok is the head editor responsible for the editorial content of a German Internet site: silesia-schlesien.com.He has authored articles in popular press and newspapers, which were published in Poland and Germany.
The following is the list of his publications:
1998 - Legendy, manipulacje, klamstwa...
(Legends, Manipulations, Lies - in Polish, 15,000 copies)
1999 - Historia Zyrowy (History of Zyrowa – in Polish)
2000 - Góra Sw.
Slaska swietosc (Sankt Annaberg.
Silesian Sanctity – in Polish, several thousand copies)
2000 - 720 lat Zyrowy//720 Jahre Buchenhöh/Zyrowa
2001 - Das Leben der Deutschen in Oberschlesien 1945-1989 (The life of the Germans in Upper Silesia 1945-1989)
2002 - Stosunek polskiego kosciola do bylych terenów niemieckich po 1945 r.
w Polsce//Die Haltung der polnischen Kirche gegenüber den ehemals deutschen Gebieten nach 1945 (The stance of the Polish church over the former German territories after 1945)
2004 - Slaskie tragedie (Silesian Tragedies – in Polish, several thousand copies)
2005 - Oberschlesiens unbewältigte Vergangenheit (Upper Silesia's unresolved history)
2009 - Legenden, Manipulationen, Lügen ( Legends, Manipulations, Lies - in German, few hundred copies)He is also a co-author of the four following publications:
Zycie bez fikcji
Texte aus Polen (Neighbours.
Writings from Poland)
Die politische Entwicklung der Deutschen im Oppelner Schlesien.
(The political progress of the Germans in the Opole Voivodeship)
Zycie codzienne na Górnym Slasku po 1945 roku (The daily life in Upper Silesia after 1945)