Thit Jensen, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Thit Jensen

Danish writer

Date of Birth: 19-Jan-1876

Place of Birth: Farsø, North Denmark Region, Denmark

Date of Death: 14-May-1957

Profession: writer

Nationality: Denmark

Zodiac Sign: Capricorn

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About Thit Jensen

  • Maria Kirstine Dorothea Jensen (Thit Jensen) (19 January 1876 – 14 May 1957) was a Danish novelist, but also author of short stories, plays and society-critical articles. She was the daughter of a veterinarian in Farsø and sister to Danish author Johannes V.
  • Jensen.
  • She was married from 1912–1918 to the painter Gustav Fenger. She wrote about erotic and social themes and fought for women's rights.
  • In 1917 she founded Københavns Husmoderforening (Copenhagen Housewives Association) and in 1917 De Danske Husmoderforeninger (The Danish Housewives Association) which represented all the local associations in Denmark.
  • In 1924 she founded the "Foreningen for Seksuel Oplysning", the Organization for Sexual Awareness, in which Jonathan Leunbach performed abortions.
  • She was personally against abortion, but felt that women needed to have a choice.
  • She was highly criticized for this belief. Jensen was awarded the Tagea Brandt Rejselegat in 1935 and with the Holberg Medal in 1940. Her literary work includes: 1903 - To Søstre 1905 - Martyrium 1907 - Prins Nilaus af Danmark 1913 - Højeste Ret 1915 - Stærkere end Tro 1916 - Jydske Historier 1918 - Gerd - det tyvende Aarhundredes Kvinde 1919 - Den erotiske Hamster 1924 - Frivilligt Moderskab 1925 - Aphrodite fra Fuur: den moderne kvindes udviklingshistorie 1926 - Børnebegrænsning.
  • Hvorfor - hvordan? 1929 - Storken 1931 - Jørgen Lykke: rigens sidste ridder 1934 - Nial den Vise 1936 - Stygge Krumpen 1940-53 - Romanserien om Valdemar Atterdag, Drotten, Rigets arving og Atter det skilte 1950 - Erindringerne Hvorfra? Hvorhen? 1954 - Den sidste Valkyrie

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