Fanny Law, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Fanny Law

Hong Kong politician

Date of Birth: 24-Feb-1953

Place of Birth: British Hong Kong, United Kingdom

Profession: politician, justice of the peace

Nationality: China

Zodiac Sign: Pisces

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About Fanny Law

  • Fanny Law Fan Chiu-fun, GBM, GBS, JP (Chinese: ????; born 24 February 1953) is a former high-ranking civil servant of Hong Kong.
  • She held the posts of Secretary for Education and Manpower (until 2002), Permanent Secretary for Education and Manpower (until 2006).
  • In late 2006, she was appointed Commissioner, Independent Commission Against Corruption. Fanny Law resigned from the post following a government inquiry into interference with academic freedom at the Hong Kong Institute of Education while she was Permanent Secretary.
  • However the Court of First Instance held that Law did not violate the institute's right to academic freedom when she contacted academics directly.
  • The judicial review was allowed on 13 March 2009 but this did not affect the Commission's findings with regard to their terms of reference.

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