Mercedes Cabello de Carbonera, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Mercedes Cabello de Carbonera

Peruvian writer

Date of Birth: 07-Feb-1842

Place of Birth: Moquegua, Peru

Date of Death: 12-Oct-1909

Profession: writer, essayist

Nationality: Peru

Zodiac Sign: Aquarius

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About Mercedes Cabello de Carbonera

  • Mercedes Cabello Llosa de Carbonera (Moquegua, February 7, 1845 – Lima, October 12, 1909) was a Peruvian writer.
  • Influenced by positivism and naturalism.
  • She was one of the main the initiators of literary realism in Peruvian novels.
  • She wrote six novels of social content and critical intent, the most successful Blanca Sol (1888), Las consecuencias (1890) and El conspirador (1892).
  • She also wrote numerous articles and essays published in Peruvian newspapers on literary and social topics.
  • She especially advocated the emancipation of women, and was one of the first Peruvian feminists.
  • She was a contemporary of Manuel González Prada, who, like Cabello, was a sui generis positivist; and an attendee of Juana Manuela Gorriti's tertulias, which provided her an opportunity to meet other female writers and discuss literature and feminist ideologies.
  • Her literary works Sacrificio y recompensa, Blanca Sol, Las consequencias and El conspirador contain a repeating theme of women portrayed as " helpless, suffering creatures or as fallen heroines." This is another one of her most prominent themes in her writings.
  • Another common topic is her criticism of the pervivan bourgeoisie, Lima's social elites, between 1860-1880.

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