Janika Sillamaa, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Janika Sillamaa

Estonian singer and actress

Date of Birth: 23-Jun-1975

Place of Birth: Tallinn, Estonia

Profession: actor, singer, stage actor

Nationality: Estonia

Zodiac Sign: Cancer

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About Janika Sillamaa

  • Janika Sillamaa (born 23 June 1975) is an Estonian singer and actress. Born into a musical family, Sillamaa was herself onstage from a very young age: in the musical theatre Colombina, founded by her mother Kaari Sillamaa, she played lead roles in many children's musicals, including "Thumbelina" and a revue programme "Mini-Cabaret". In 1993 Sillamaa performed at the Roskilde Rock Festival.
  • She was then a student in the pop-jazz department of the Georg Ots Music School in Tallinn, where her vocal-coaches were Jaak Joala and Kare Kauks.
  • In 1992 Sillamaa was internally chosen to represent Estonia at Eurovision 1993 - Estonia's first Eurovision participation - with Sillammaa performing eight potential entrant songs in a national preliminary round televised live as Eurolaul 1993 on 20 February 1993.
  • The song selected for Sillamaa to perform as the Estonian Eurovision entrant was "Muretut meelt ja südametuld".
  • With representatives of six other former Eastern bloc nations and nations of former Yugoslavia Sillamaa performed "Muretut meelt ja südametuld" at the Kvalifikacija za Millstreet semi-final round broadcast live 3 April 1993 in Ljubljana where four of the seven competing entrants were eliminated, including "Muretut meelt ja südametuld" which finished the round at #5. In 1992 Sillamaa played her first adult role in a stage musical: Mary Magdalene Jesus Christ Superstar at the Linnahall.
  • Having recorded a few singles as vocalist for rock group the Names from 1995, Sillamaa again participated in Eurolaul in 1998 bidding to represent Estonia at Eurovision with "Viimne valge kuu" a song composed by Sillamaa's mother Kaari which finished Eurolaul 1998 in fourth place.
  • In 2000 Sillamaa commenced studies at the Higher Drama School of Estonia intending to complete a four-year programme in stage directing.
  • Only a matter of months before her graduation, however, a red card was shown for delicate reasons, possibly.
  • Neither of the sides, nor the commission or the drop-out herself have yet agreed to reveal on the matter.
  • Despite the controversy over the diploma she was never awarded, Sillamaa has since directed stage plays on a regular basis. The 2000s (decade) also mark another turn to Janika Sillamaa's career.
  • Several lead roles of blockbuster musicals have come on her credit, such as Elton John`s "Aida" (title role), Ulvaeus-Andersson`s "Chess" (Svetlana), Schönberg-Boublil`s "Miss Saigon" (Ellen) and Webber`s "Cats" to name a few.
  • In 2009, she formed a rock band, Famagusta, with friends and recorded a single, Rong, which she described as an anthem for women in their 30s.Janika Sillamaa has settled in Tallinn.

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