Finn Bjelke, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Finn Bjelke

Norwegian journalist

Date of Birth: 10-Apr-1959

Place of Birth: Oslo, Eastern Norway, Norway

Profession: writer, television presenter, journalist

Nationality: Norway

Zodiac Sign: Aries

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About Finn Bjelke

  • Finn Bjelke (born 10 April 1959) is a popular Norwegian humourist, writer, music journalist and radio host. Finn Bjelke is known as program host at the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation for their radio shows Reiseradioen, Popquiz, and Herreavdelingen.
  • At Herreavdelingen he works equally together with Yan Friis. From 1985 to 1990, Bjelke was a writer in the Norwegian youth magazine Det Nye.
  • Bjelke has also written for the Norwegian music magazines Puls and Beat.
  • From 1993 to 1995 Bjelke was producer for radio shows like IRMA 1000 at NRK P3.
  • Finn Bjelke has also written several books, among them the bestseller "Pappa For Første Gang" (a guide to first time fathers) and "Gutta PÃ¥ Kur" with Kim Bjørnqvist (a guide to lose weight for couch potatoes).
  • Finn Bjelke also co-wrote the script for the feature film "Showbiz" (1988) and is a regular panelist on the popular radio- and TV-show "20 SpørsmÃ¥l" ("20 Questions").

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