Florin-Teodor Tănăsescu, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Florin-Teodor Tănăsescu

Romanian academic

Date of Birth: 12-Apr-1932

Place of Birth: Bârlad, Vaslui County, Romania

Profession: engineer

Nationality: Romania

Zodiac Sign: Aries

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About Florin-Teodor Tănăsescu

  • Florin-Teodor Tanasescu (born April 12, 1932 in Bârlad, Tutova County, now Vaslui County), is a Romanian electrical engineer, professor at the University Politehnica of Bucharest. His father, Dumitru Tanasescu, was a lawyer, being also known for his hobby of apiculturist.
  • His mother Cecilia Tanasescu (born Dragomir (1902–1986) was teacher of history in Bârlad and Buzau.
  • Florin-Teodor Tanasescu studied engineering at the Faculty of Electrotehnics of the Politechnic Institute of Bucharest graduating in 1956.
  • He defended the thesis in the field of electrical measures for his doctorate in 1968, at the Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iasi alumni . Florin-Teodor Tanasescu started his professional activity as research engineer at the "Research and Design Institute for the Electrotechnic Industry" (Institutul de Cercetari si Proiectari pentru Industria Electrotehnica - ICPE").
  • He rose through the ranks until he reached the position of Director General of the Institute.
  • His research concentrated on high voltage electrical equipment, new energy sources, electrotechnology and partial electrical discharge in electrical insulating systems.
  • He has patented over 35 inventions.
  • He is also professor at the University Politehnica of Bucharest and the Valahia University in Târgoviste. At the national level, Florin-Teodor Tanasescu was coordinator of the national policy for scientific research in the "National Council for Science and Technology" (Consiliului National pentru Stiinta si Tehnologie - CNST) (1985–1987) and was secretary of state in the Ministry of Education (1992–1996).
  • He is editor in chief of the technical magazine "Electrotehnica-Electronica-Automatica". Florin-Teodor Tanasescu is member of the International Council on Large Electric Systems (CIGRE) and of the World Energy Conference - WEC.
  • He is honorary member of the Academy of Sciences of MoldovaFlorin-Teodor Tanasescu had an important contribution to the activity of scientific societies in Romania.
  • In 1986 he was elected chairman of the National Committee of the International Electrotechnical Commission - IEC.
  • He is active in the team working on the "IEC Thesaurus".
  • He is founding member of the CNR - CME (Romanian National Committee of World Energy Council) and of the Romanian Telework Society He is also secretary general of the Romanian Academy of Technical Sciences.
  • He is member of the executive board of the General Association of Romanian Engineers (AGIR) for 2006-2009.
  • He is chairman of the "Association for Terminology" (TERMROM) During his activity Florin-Teodor Tanasescu received different awards and distinctions.
  • In 1970 he was awarded the Traian Vuia prize of the Romanian Academy.
  • He is recipient of the honor diploma of the National Authority for Scientific Research (Authoritatea Nationala pentru Cercetare Stiintifica).Florin-Teodor Tanasescu has published 10 books and over 125 scientific articles.

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