Floyd MacMillan Davis (April 8, 1896 – October 25, 1966) was an American painter and illustrator known for his work in advertising and illustration; Walter and Roger Reed described him as "someone who could capture the rich, beautiful people of the 1920s: dashing, mustachioed men; the cool, svelte women.
But Davis was just as capable at capturing just-plain-folk, and with a cartoonist's sensibilities and a fresh humor, he expanded into story art and ad work that called characters of every persuasion.By the early 1940s, he was recognized as the top man in both fields.
In 1943, Life Magazine called him the "#1 Illustrator in America".
Author: Lord Calvert / Photographer: Valentino Sarra Source: Taken from a Lord Calvert "Men of Distinction" Advertisement. No Page Number Noted. License: PD US no notice