Joel Best, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Joel Best

American sociologist

Date of Birth: 21-Aug-1946

Place of Birth: Lincoln, Nebraska, United States

Profession: writer, sociologist, statistician

Nationality: United States

Zodiac Sign: Leo

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About Joel Best

  • Joel Gordon Best (born August 21, 1946) is a professor of sociology and criminal justice at the University of Delaware.
  • He specializes in topics such as social problems and deviance.
  • His current research focuses on awards, prizes, and honors in American culture.
  • He is an author of over ten books and dozens of academic articles. Joel Best earned his M.A.
  • and Ph.D.
  • degrees in sociology from the University of California, Berkeley in 1971.
  • He also earned a second M.A.
  • degree in history from the University of Minnesota.
  • He taught at Concordia College (Moorhead, MN--1969-70), California State University, Fresno (1970-91), and Southern Illinois University at Carbondale (1991-99). He served as a President of the Midwest Sociological Society and the Society for the Study of Social Problems, and was an editor of the journal Social Problems. He recently was seen as a source cast member on the critically acclaimed show "Adam Ruins Everything: Halloween Special." Best provided evidence supporting the fact that strangers, contrary to popular belief, do not (with a single rare exception of an estranged father-son situation) and have never tampered with or poisoned the candy given to a trick-or-treater as far as records can provide.

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