Jarkko Olavi Tontti (born December 9, 1971) is a Finnish novelist, poet, essayist and lawyer.
He is member of PEN International Executive Board and former president of Finnish PEN.Tontti studied law, philosophy and literature at the universities of Helsinki, Edinburgh, Berlin and Brussels.
Doctor of Laws 2002.
He has published collections of poems, novels and essays.
His first poetry collection Vuosikirja (Book of Years, 2006) won the Kalevi Jäntti literature prize for young authors.
Tontti has worked in the Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Local Court of Espoo, in the Parliament of Finland and at the University of Helsinki.
He is a specialist in philosophy of law, human rights law and copyright law.
His poems have been translated into English, French, Swedish, Italian, Russian, Japanese, Estonian, German, Greek, Slovenian, Latin, Polish, Croatian, Romanian and Portuguese.