Francis Hoffmann, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Francis Hoffmann

US-amerikanischer Politiker

Date of Birth: 05-Jun-1822

Place of Birth: Province of Westphalia, Free State of Prussia

Date of Death: 23-Jan-1903

Profession: lawyer, politician

Nationality: United States

Zodiac Sign: Gemini

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About Francis Hoffmann

  • Francis Arnold Hoffmann (June 5, 1822 – January 23, 1903) was a Lutheran clergyman, politician and writer. He was born in Westphalia, Prussia, the son of Fredrick and Wilhelmina (Groppe) Hoffmann.
  • In 1840 he emigrated to the United States to avoid conscription, and settled in Illinois. Hoffmann was a teacher and a pastor in Dunklee's Grove (now Addison, Illinois) until 1847.
  • During this time he became active in public affairs and served as postmaster, town clerk and member of the school board.
  • He also began writing and contributed articles to the Chicago Democrat and Prairie Farmer.
  • In 1844 he married Cynthia Gilbert. He served as pastor and teacher at St.
  • Peter Lutheran Church and School in Schaumburg from 1847 to 1851.
  • In 1851 Hoffmann moved to Chicago, studied law and became an attorney.
  • In 1852 he was elected to the city council.
  • Hoffmann worked to attract German immigrants to Chicago and was able to establish a successful banking business using the money entrusted to him by the German community. Hoffmann was a vigorous opponent of the extension of slavery, an issue brought into prominence by the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854.
  • He left the Democratic Party and played a role in the election of Lyman Trumbull to the United States Senate.
  • He helped to found the Republican Party in Illinois and was a political supporter and ally of Abraham Lincoln.
  • He was elected the 15th Lieutenant Governor of Illinois and served from 1861 to 1865. After the Civil War, Hoffmann worked for the Illinois Central Railroad as a land commissioner and established the International Bank (his first bank had failed during the war).
  • After the Great Chicago Fire in 1871 he chaired a committee of city bankers whose efforts successfully avoided a banking panic. In 1875, he retired to his estate in Jefferson, Wisconsin and devoted himself to farming and horticulture.
  • As an agricultural writer and editor, he wrote using the pen name "Hans Buschbauer".

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