Lily Brett, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Lily Brett

Australian writer

Date of Birth: 05-Sep-1946

Place of Birth: Feldafing, Bavaria, Germany

Profession: writer, essayist

Nationality: Australia

Zodiac Sign: Virgo

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About Lily Brett

  • Lily Brett (born Lilijahne Brajtsztajn 5 September 1946, Feldafing displaced persons camp, Bavaria) is an Australian novelist, essayist and poet.
  • She lived in North Carlton and then Elwood/Caulfield (suburbs of Melbourne) from 1948-1968, in London 1968-71, Melbourne (1971-1989) and then moved permanently to New York City.
  • In Australia she had an early career as a pop music journalist, including writing for music magazine Go-Set from May 1966 to September 1968.
  • From 1979 she started writing poems, prose fiction and non-fiction.
  • As a daughter of Holocaust survivors, her works include depictions of family life including living in Melbourne and New York.
  • Four of her fictional novels are Things Could Be Worse (1990), Just Like That (1994), Too Many Men (2001) and You Gotta Have Balls (2005).

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