Francis Sumner, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Francis Sumner

American psychologist

Date of Birth: 07-Dec-1895

Place of Birth: Pine Bluff, Arkansas, United States

Date of Death: 12-Jan-1954

Profession: psychologist

Nationality: United States

Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius

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About Francis Sumner

  • Francis Cecil Sumner (December 7, 1895 - January 12, 1954) was an American leader in education reform.
  • He is commonly referred to as the "Father of Black Psychology." He is primarily known for being the first African American to receive a Ph.D in psychology (in 1920).
  • He worked closely with G.
  • Stanley Hall during his time at Clark University, and his dissertation—published in Pedagogical Seminary, which later became the Journal of Genetic Psychology—focused on "Psychoanalysis of Freud and Adler."

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