Frangiskos Mavrommatis, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Frangiskos Mavrommatis

Greek sport shooter

Date of Birth: 13-Jan-1870

Place of Birth: Chios, North Aegean Region, Greece

Profession: sport shooter

Nationality: Greece

Zodiac Sign: Capricorn

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About Frangiskos Mavrommatis

  • Frangiskos Mavrommatis (Greek: F?a???s??? ?a???µµ?t??, born 13 January 1870, date of death unknown) was a Greek sport shooter who competed at the 1906 Intercalated Games, the 1908 Summer Olympics and the 1912 Summer Olympics.He was born in Chios. 1906 Athens In the 1906 Summer Olympics he participated in the following events: Free rifle teams - fourth place 20 m duelling pistol - sixth place 200 m army rifle - ninth place 50 m pistol - twelfth place 25 m army pistol (1873 model) - 14th place 25 m rapid fire pistol - 14th place 300 m army rifle - 17th place 25 m army pistol (standard model) - 23rd place Free rifle, free position - 27th place1908 London In the 1908 Summer Olympics he participated in the following events: Team military rifle - seventh place Team pistol - seventh place Team free rifle - ninth place Individual pistol - 25th place1912 Stockholm Four years later at the 1912 Summer Olympics he participated in the following events: Team 25 metre small-bore rifle - fourth place Team 50 metre small-bore rifle - fifth place Team 50 metre military pistol - fifth place Team 30 metre military pistol - fifth place Team military rifle - seventh place 300 metre military rifle, three positions - 17th place 25 metre small-bore rifle - 18th place 600 metre free rifle - 22nd place 50 metre pistol - 26th place 30 metre rapid fire pistol - 29th place 50 metre rifle, prone - 34th place

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