Pierre-Marie Carré, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Pierre-Marie Carré

Archbishop of the Catholic church

Date of Birth: 22-Apr-1947

Place of Birth: Serques, Hauts-de-France, France

Profession: Catholic priest, theologian

Nationality: France

Zodiac Sign: Taurus

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About Pierre-Marie Carré

  • Pierre-Marie Carré (born 22 April 1947 in Serques, France) is a French Bishop of the Catholic Church.
  • He was ordained to the priesthood on 7 September 1974.
  • On 8 October 2000 he was consecrated Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Albi by Pope John Paul II.
  • On 14 May 2010 he was appointed coadjutor Archbishop to the Archdiocese of Montpellier by Pope Benedict XVI.
  • On 3 June 2011 he succeeded to the Archbishophric.In 2011, he was appointed the Secretary of the Special Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, dedicated to the new evangelisation, which took place in 2012.

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