Mikael Ramel, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Mikael Ramel

Date of Birth: 19-Jan-1949

Place of Birth: Stockholm, Sweden

Profession: singer

Nationality: Sweden

Zodiac Sign: Capricorn

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About Mikael Ramel

  • Mikael Ramel, (born 19 January 1949) is a Swedish singer and musician.
  • He is the son of Povel Ramel and Susanna Ramel, and the brother of actress Lotta Ramel.
  • Ramel studied at the Solbacka läroverk at Stjärnhov, and in 1966 he became a member of the band Mufflers.
  • In 1965, he participated in the televisio show Ramel i rutan along with his father.
  • They also recorded the music single En ren familjeprodukt together.
  • The same year he started the music group Steampacket, and they released eight music singles until 1968.
  • In 1967, Ramel also released the solo single Mikael & Michael along with Michael B.
  • Tretow.Ramels first solo album named Till dej was released in 1972.
  • That same year he became a member of the band Fläsket brinner.
  • Ramels second album Extra vagansa (1974) was followed by the third album 3:dje skivan (1977).During the 1990s, Ramel released another three albums Strömavbrott (1982), Bra sak (1984) and En för alla (1986).
  • In 1986, Ramel was awarded the Karamelodiktstipendiet an award that annually are given to someone who uses the Swedish language in music, established by his father.

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