Frederick Cleveland Smith, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Frederick Cleveland Smith

American politician

Date of Birth: 29-Jul-1884

Place of Birth: Sugarcreek, Ohio, United States

Date of Death: 16-Jul-1956

Profession: politician, surgeon

Nationality: United States

Zodiac Sign: Leo

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About Frederick Cleveland Smith

  • Frederick Cleveland Smith (July 29, 1884 – July 16, 1956) was a Republican member of the U.S.
  • House of Representatives from Ohio. Frederick C.
  • Smith was born in Shanesville, Ohio.
  • He graduated in osteopathic medicine at Kirksville, Missouri, and practiced there for several years.
  • He went abroad and continued his study of medicine in Frankfurt, Germany, and in Vienna, Austria.
  • In 1917 was licensed to practice medicine and surgery in the State of Ohio and commenced practice at Marion, Ohio.
  • He was mayor of Marion, Ohio, from January 1936 until January 1, 1939, when he resigned. Smith founded the Frederick C.
  • Smith Clinic in Marion, which brought together doctors in various fields in a practice that benefited from each doctor's specialty.
  • The original clinic was located on East Church Street.
  • The concern continues in Marion, Ohio, and still bears the name of Dr.
  • Smith. Smith was elected as a Republican to the Seventy-sixth and to the five succeeding Congresses.
  • While in Congress, Smith "would invariably draw 'zero' ratings from the Americans for Democratic Action and other leftist groups." He was not a candidate for renomination in 1950.
  • He resumed his medical profession and died in Marion, Ohio, on July 16, 1956.
  • Interment in Marion Cemetery.

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