Frederick Curtice Davis, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Frederick Curtice Davis

REcipient of the Navy Cross

Date of Birth: 21-Oct-1915

Place of Birth: Rock County, Wisconsin, United States

Date of Death: 07-Dec-1941

Profession: military officer

Nationality: United States

Zodiac Sign: Libra

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About Frederick Curtice Davis

  • Frederick Curtice Davis, born 21 October 1915 in Rock County, Wisconsin, enlisted in the Naval Reserve 7 July 1939 and was commissioned ensign 4 September 1940.
  • Serving with an observation squadron aboard the USS Nevada (BB-36), Ensign Davis was killed during the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor 7 December 1941, and was posthumously awarded the Navy Cross for his heroism at the moment of his death, when he was running forward to take charge of an antiaircraft machine gun battery, since no planes were on board.
  • Davis was from Orfordville, Wisconsin.

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