Félix Balzer, Date of Birth, Date of Death


Félix Balzer

French physician

Date of Birth: 04-Apr-1849

Date of Death: 15-Mar-1929

Profession: physician

Nationality: France

Zodiac Sign: Aries

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About Félix Balzer

  • Félix Balzer (4 April 1849 – 15 March 1929) was a French physician, specialising in dermatology and pathology.Balzer gave an early description of pseudoxanthoma elasticum in 1884.
  • He used the term "xanthome elastique" but subsequently it was found not to be a form of xanthomatosis.
  • Balzer is also responsible for coining the term "adénomes sébacés" (adenoma sebaceum) to describe the papular facial rash of tuberous sclerosis.
  • Again, this term proved to be incorrect since the papules were neither adenoma nor derived from sebaceous glands.Between 1880 and 1887, Balzer was a director of the histology laboratory in the Faculty of the hospital Saint Louis.
  • He became a member of the Académie de Médecine in 1908.
  • He was also president of la Société Française de Dermatologie.

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