Ganesh Sittampalam, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Ganesh Sittampalam

Youngest person to pass an A-level

Date of Birth: 11-Feb-1979

Place of Birth: Croydon, England, United Kingdom

Profession: programmer

Nationality: United Kingdom

Zodiac Sign: Aquarius

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About Ganesh Sittampalam

  • Ganesh Sittampalam (born 11 February 1979) is a British computer specialist and former record holder youngest person to pass an A-Level.Sittampalam was born on 11 February 1979 in Croydon.
  • He is the son of Arjuna Sittampalam, a Tamil, and Nela, a Sinhalese, originally from Sri Lanka.
  • He is the grandson of Ceylonese government minister C.
  • Sittampalam.
  • He is from Surbiton.At the age of eight Sittampalam received an A grade in O-Level mathematics, becoming the youngest person to receive an A grade at O-Level.
  • A year later in June 1988, aged nine years and four months, he received an A grades in A-Level mathematics and further mathematics, becoming the youngest person to pass an A-level, which is typically taken at age 18.
  • Sittampalam received official recognition from the Guinness Book of World Records in April 1989.Sittampalam became Britain’s youngest university student when he joined the University of Surrey aged 11.
  • He studied for just one day a week at the university, spending the remaining four days continuing his education at King's College Junior School.
  • Sittampalam graduated from the University of Surrey in July 1992, aged 13 and four months, with a first-class bachelor's degree in mathematics.
  • He was Britain's youngest graduate for several hundred years.
  • He went on to receive a master's degree in computing and a doctorate in intentional programming from the University of Oxford in his 20s.Sittampalam works for Credit Suisse as a computer specialist and lives in Cambridgeshire.
  • He is married to Amanda and has a son, Alexander.

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