Ganiou Soglo, Date of Birth


Ganiou Soglo

Beninese politician

Date of Birth: 04-Jan-1961

Profession: politician

Nationality: Benin

Zodiac Sign: Capricorn

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About Ganiou Soglo

  • Ganiou Soglo (born November 4, 1961) is a Beninese politician of the Benin Rebirth Party (RB) who served in the government for a time as Minister of Culture, Literacy, and the Promotion of National Languages.
  • He is the son of former President NicĂ©phore Soglo and brother of LĂ©hady Soglo. Soglo is the youngest son of NicĂ©phore Soglo and was born in Paris.
  • He was elected as an RB candidate to the National Assembly of Benin in the March 2003 parliamentary election.
  • Later, he was a candidate in the March 2006 presidential election, running despite his party's choice of LĂ©hady Soglo as its candidate.
  • Ganiou won about 5,000 votes, or 0.17% of the vote.In sports, Soglo led the Sharks of the Atlantic football team for a time.In the government of President Yayi Boni appointed on June 17, 2007, Soglo was appointed Minister of Youth, Sports, and Leisure.
  • He was subsequently moved to the post of Minister of Culture, Literacy, and the Promotion of National Languages on October 22, 2008.

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