Gaston Frommel (November 25, 1862 in Altkirch, France – May 18, 1906 in Geneva), French theologian, professor of theology in the University of Geneva from 1894 to 1906.
A Frenchman by birth, his family fled Alsace under German occupation in 1870 and he spent the rest of his life in Switzerland.
He may best be described as continuing the spirit of Vinet amid the mental conditions marking the end of the 19th century.
Like Vinet, he derived his philosophy of religion from a peculiarly deep experience of the Gospel of Christ as meeting the demands of the moral consciousness; but he developed even further than Vinet the psychological analysis of conscience and the method of verifying every doctrine by direct reference to spiritual experience.
Both made much of moral individuality or personality as the crown and criterion of reality, believing that its correlation with Christianity, both historically and philosophically, was most intimate.
Here he appealed to the current psychology of the subconscious for confirmation of his analysis, by which he claimed to transcend mere intellectualism.
In his language on this fundamental point he was perhaps too jealous of admitting an ideal element as implicit in the feeling of obligation.
Still he did well in insisting on priority to self-conscious thought as a mark of metaphysical objectivity in the case of moral, no less than of physical experience.
Further, he found in the Christian revelation the same characteristics as belonged to the universal revelation involved in conscience, viz., God's sovereign initiative and his living action in history.