George Barton (sport shooter), Date of Birth, Place of Birth


George Barton (sport shooter)

Olympic skeet shooter

Date of Birth: 06-Sep-1977

Place of Birth: Tamworth, New South Wales, Australia

Profession: sport shooter

Nationality: Australia

Zodiac Sign: Virgo

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About George Barton (sport shooter)

  • George Raymond Barton (born 6 September 1977 in Tamworth, New South Wales) is an Australian sport shooter.
  • He won a bronze medal in men's skeet pair shooting, along with his brother Clive Barton, at the 2006 Commonwealth Games in Melbourne, with a total score of 183 points.Barton made his official debut for the 2004 Summer Olympics in Athens, where he placed twenty-ninth in men's skeet shooting, with a total score of 118 points, tying his position with Egypt's Mostafa Hamdy. At the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing, Barton competed for the second time, as a 30-year-old, in men's skeet shooting, along with his teammate Paul Rahman.
  • He finished only in seventeenth place by one point behind Czech Republic's Jan Sychra, for a total score of 116 targets.

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