George Becker (composer), Date of Birth, Date of Death


George Becker (composer)

German-Swiss composer and writer on music

Date of Birth: 24-Jun-1834

Date of Death: 18-Jul-1928

Profession: composer

Nationality: Germany

Zodiac Sign: Cancer

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About George Becker (composer)

  • George Becker (Georg) (24 June 1834 – 18 July 1928) was a German-Swiss composer and writer on music. Becker was born at Frankenthal.
  • He was the author of several books of some importance, such as, La musique en Suisse, depuis les temps les plus reculĂ©s jusqu'Ă  la fin du XVIIIème siècle (Geneva, 1874), Pygmalion de J.J.
  • Rousseau, Eustorg de Beaulieu, Guillaume de GuĂ©roult, Notice sur Claude Goudimel, Aperçu sur la Chanson française.
  • For some time, at irregular intervals, Becker published a kind of periodical called Questionnaire de l'association international des musiciens-Ă©crivains, and he was a contributor to various periodicals, such as the Revue et gazette musicale, the Guide musical of Brussels, the Monatshefte fĂĽr Musikgeschichte, the Musical World, and the Gazzetta musicale.
  • He is believed to have died in Geneva.

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