George Robert Twelves Hewes, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


George Robert Twelves Hewes

Shoemaker, Privateer, American Revolutionary War militiaman

Date of Birth: 25-Aug-1742

Place of Birth: Boston, Massachusetts, United States

Date of Death: 05-Nov-1840

Profession: privateer

Nationality: United States

Zodiac Sign: Virgo

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About George Robert Twelves Hewes

  • George Robert Twelves Hewes (August 25, 1742 – November 5, 1840) was a participant in the political protests in Boston at the onset of the American Revolution, and one of the last survivors of the Boston Tea Party and the Boston Massacre.
  • Later he fought in the American Revolutionary War as a militiaman and privateer.
  • Shortly before his death at the age of 98, Hewes was the subject of two biographies and much public commemoration.

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