Gerald Heaney, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Gerald Heaney

U.S. Army ranger, politician, attorney, and judge

Date of Birth: 29-Jan-1918

Place of Birth: Goodhue, Minnesota, United States

Date of Death: 22-Jun-2010

Profession: judge, lawyer

Nationality: United States

Zodiac Sign: Aquarius

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About Gerald Heaney

  • Gerald William Heaney (January 29, 1918 – June 22, 2010) served for nearly forty years as a United States Circuit Judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit, from his appointment by President Lyndon B.
  • Johnson in November 1966 until his full retirement in August 2006.
  • Heaney's career in public service began in 1941, upon graduation from law school.
  • He soon enlisted in the United States Army, volunteered for the United States Rangers, and soon became a second lieutenant in the 2nd Ranger Battalion.
  • Heaney's endurance as a judge was related to his endurance as a Ranger; of the hundreds of members of the Second Ranger Battalion who landed at Normandy on the early hours of D-Day, Heaney was one of only three still on the front lines with the Rangers on VE Day.
  • Between the end of World War II and his appointment to the federal bench, he rewrote the Free State of Bavaria's labor laws, and was a valued political advisor and organizer for several liberal Democratic politicians, including Hubert Humphrey, Adlai Stevenson, Orville Freeman, Eugene McCarthy, and Walter Mondale.
  • As an appellate court judge, Heaney typically favored broad interpretations of the Bill of Rights and civil rights, labor and employment rights statutes.

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