Gerry Smyth, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Gerry Smyth

Irish academic

Date of Birth: 14-Sep-1961

Place of Birth: Dublin, Leinster, Ireland

Profession: musicologist

Nationality: Ireland

Zodiac Sign: Virgo

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About Gerry Smyth

  • Gerry Smyth (14 September 1961) is an academic, musician, actor and playwright from Dublin, Ireland.
  • He works in the Department of English at Liverpool John Moores University., where he is Professor of Irish Cultural History.
  • His early publications were mainly in the field of Irish literature, although since 2002 he has also written widely on the subject of Irish music.
  • Smyth was an early advocate of postcolonial criticism in Irish Studies, although more recently he has been keen to emphasise the autobiographical dimension of critical discourse.
  • Decolonisation and Criticism won the American Conference for Irish Studies' Michael J.
  • Durkan Prize for best book published in literary criticism, arts criticism or cultural studies in 1999.
  • Beautiful Day: Forty Years of Irish Rock (co-authored with Sean Campbell) was launched in the Clarence Hotel in Dublin in September 2005.
  • Our House: The Representation of Domestic Space in Contemporary Culture (co-edited with Jo Croft) was launched at the Tate Liverpool in September 2006.
  • His collection of critical essays Music in Irish Cultural History also won the Michael J.
  • Durkan Prize (2009).
  • Smyth has lectured throughout Europe and the United States on various aspects of Irish culture; most recently he was a keynote speaker at IASIL 2017, held in Singapore.
  • In September / October 2006 he was Academic-in-Residence at the Princess Grace Irish Library in Monaco.
  • He was appointed Visiting Professor of Irish Studies at the University of Vienna between October 2010 and February 2011. Smyth's latest book is Celtic Tiger Blues: Music and Modern Irish Identity (Routledge, 2016), and includes analyses of work by James Joyce, the Pogues, Bernard MacLaverty, The Waterboys, Tim Robinson, and Augusta Holmes.

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