Gertrude Prokosch Kurath (1903–1992) was an American dancer, researcher, author, and ethnomusicologist.
She researched and wrote extensively on the study of dance, co-authoring several books and writing hundreds of articles.
Her main areas of interest were ethnomusicology and dance ethnology, with some of her best known works being "Panorama of Dance Ethnology" in Current Anthropology (1960), the book Music and dance of the Tewa Pueblos co-written with Antonio Garcia (1970), and Iroquois Music and Dance: ceremonial arts of two Seneca Longhouses (1964), in the Smithsonian Institution Bureau of American Ethnology bulletin.
She made substantial contributions to the study of Amerindian dance, and to dance theory.
From 1958 to January 1972 she was dance editor for the journal Ethnomusicology.